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Sheriff's Department: Uniform Policy Sacramento Sheriff Civil Bureau

UPE met and conferred with Sacramento County regarding the Sheriff Department’s plan to require UPE employees in the Civil Bureau to wear a black Sheriff’s Department polo shirt and black or beige colored pants.  The Department stated that it intended the policy to ensure a uniform appearance among staff and to help display a level of professionalism to the public.  In addition, the Department stated the policy would bring the 005 employees more in line with the Sheriff Records Officers, who are already required to wear a Class C uniform.  UPE questioned the Department about the need for the change since it would result in added costs and inconvenience for our members.  UPE proposed that workers be allowed to wear different colored pants and that women be allowed to wear skirts.  However, the Department rejected these proposals. 

UPE confirmed that all 005 employees in the Civil Division would begin receiving the uniform allowance on their paychecks.  Employees will receive an additional $100 on their paycheck every six months for a total of $200 per year.  Employees may purchase their own short or long-sleeved polo and have the Department logo embroidered on it for a $15 fee. Alternatively, they can purchase polos with the logo already on them for $50.  The Department will provide everyone with one free polo shirt.  UPE ensured that members can wear jackets and sweaters over their polos as well as long sleeve black shirts underneath the polos.  Employees will still need to comply with the Department’s guidelines regarding tattoos. 

The Department will provide employees with more information regarding the new policy, how to obtain shirts, and where to get shirts embroidered before implementation.  The Department does not have an exact implementation date yet, but it anticipated sometime in February or March of 2025. 


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