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DCFAS/CPS: Watt Avenue Move to Kings Way


Greetings, Union Sisters and Brothers.  On July 17, 2024, your UPE bargaining team met with CPS management to do a walkthrough of the Kings Way location.  

The building is approximately fifty-seven thousand three hundred sixty-eight square feet (57,368 sq. ft.) and will house the programs currently at Watt. Each program will be seated together with their respective supervisors, program managers, and division managers. All cubicles include height adjustable desks and are eight ft. by eight ft. (8’x8’), except the Family Service Workers (FSW), who will be in a pod. We did ask if the separators in the FSW pods could be longer to give a bit more privacy. The department said they will see what they can do (there must be enough clearance). There are two break rooms, two employee restrooms, one lactation room (with a sink), a group room, and two patio areas. Your UPE team did ask if there could be another lactation room, to which the department stated if they see that there is a need down the line, they will consider it. We also asked, since there is enough space, if the department can create a quiet room. The response was that there were enough “visiting offices” that could be used if necessary.  UPE also requested that the parking spaces for County vehicles be numbered to assist with GPS location. Be sure to look out for the UPE information board which will be located by the breakroom on the southernmost side of the building.

Employees need to have their seat selections in by July 26th; furniture is due to arrive between July 29th – August 23rd. Staff move in dates are set between August 17th – 23rd. Of course, ensuring the members have everything they need will be ongoing.

Thank you to the advocates, Sylvia Garcia and Deanna Green


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