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711 G St. Outstation Assignment

UPE and DHA met and conferred on November 2, 2021, over the Department’s plan to send an HSS worker to 711 G St. once a week to provide MACFGA intake services for clients participating in a Court diversion program. The work will be similar to the services provided by DHA workers at Loaves and Fishes. UPE asked a number of questions about the working conditions at the new location, including whether there was an onsite supervisor, what were the location’s COVID protocols, what security was in place at the location, whether there were panic buttons in the interview space, what other organizations are sharing the space, and what are the protocols for sharing information between groups participating in the program. Unfortunately, the Department continued their pattern of coming to the meeting unprepared to answer our questions. Another meeting is scheduled for 11/15/21 to hopefully receive answers to these important questions.


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