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Voluntary Separation Incentive Program


United Public Employees met on June 23, 2020, with Court administration as the Court noticed us about the implementation of a court program called the Court Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP). The Court intends to roll out this program in the next few weeks. This is a voluntary program which is intended for current employees to leave the Court as a cost-saving measure. The purpose of implementing the VSIP is due to the current economic situation and proposed reductions to the Judicial Branch budget by the Governor and Legislature.

The program offers a one-time lump sum payment of $25,000 for approved employees. The positions that are approved will remain vacant for up to two years. At this time, the Court will need to evaluate every application on an individual basis to determine the workload impact on a particular unit or function as well as the impact on the budget court-wide.

Currently, the Court is not proposing furloughs or any other cost-saving measures. Unlike state employees, court employees do not have any Government Code provisions which would allow the Court to unilaterally implement furloughs or any other cost-saving measures. If the Court decides to go down that road, UPE has already demanded to meet and confer over their decision, which is our right under the law.

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