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Sign the Petition to Remove Sacramento County CEO Nav Gil


We demand the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors remove County CEO Nav Gill from his position immediately.

On October 15, 2020 Gill led a 5 hour in-person meeting with 40 – 45 participants, including County Department heads. During this meeting several participants did not wear masks and violated social distance rules. After the meeting, one of the participants tested positive with COVID-19. As a result, a number of Department heads had to quarantine. Gill’s decision to hold this meeting and his failure to enforce County, State, and Federal guidelines represents a spectacular failure of leadership and a blatant disregard for the safety of his employees.

COVID-19 cases are rising across the Country and on October 22, 2020, California reported its highest number of deaths since September 15th. Now is the time for leaders who put the good of their employees and citizens first. Nav Gill’s actions show he is not up to the challenges of our time and only serves to exemplify the County’s failures to protect employees during the pandemic. Gill cannot be trusted with the safety of the County because he’s shown he cannot be trusted with the safety of his own employees. As a result, the only path forward for Sacramento County residents and County employees is for the Board to remove Mr. Gill.

Click Here to the Sign the Petition

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