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Policy Writing Development and Guidelines for QMAS & CPS

On December 4, 2024, your UPE team met with the County to discuss the new policy and procedure (P&P) explaining the role clerical will play in the above-named P&P.
The P&P was codifying what is already being done by the clerical staff in the PDU (Policy Development Unit) in QMAS and CPS. The changes your UPE team requested in the policy were to allow the clerical staff two to five (2 – 5) business days, as opposed to just two, to complete final formatting of a policy. UPE also asked the department to clarify what the “other administrative tasks” they are stating need to be completed when uploading the P&P into PolicyTech. QMAS stated those include but are not limited to linking other policies and ensuring the links work correctly, checking headers and footers, and keeping track of the policies for administrative purposes.
Thank you, Sylvia Garcia, for your advocacy!


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