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Placer Court - General Unit: Bargaining Update


Updated: Aug 23, 2024

Your bargaining team met with the Court to continue our discussions on the successor agreement with the Placer Superior Court on August 13, 2024. Today, we continued to exchange proposals and counter-proposals ahead of our final date to do so, which is August 21, 2024 (next Wednesday). Your team will meet tonight to discuss bargaining and our economic proposals. We continue to negotiate over bereavement leave and training incentives, and we have a number of court proposals to respond to. We have tentative agreements on the new employee orientation and involuntary transfer language.

Additionally, we have proposed language to allow two (2) days per month for Court Reporters to work on their transcripts. Your team has continued to work hard to make the necessary improvements needed to make major upgrades to the current contract, and you should expect to see more detailed information as to where we are after the next scheduled bargaining session.

Please continue to wear RED in support of your bargaining teams.



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