United Public Employees recently received notification from Merced County Human Services Agency of proposed changes in several of their Operations Directives. A Meet & Confer was scheduled for May 28th. Lisa Sykes, a Merced Unit 3 Governing Board Member, and jobsite Steward at HSA, was asked to review the proposed changes, and prepare questions to present to County staff at the May 28th Meet & Confer.
HSA Proposed Changes to the 10 following Operations Directives;
#3 Overtime
#4 Visitors
#7 Copy Center Services
#20 EEO
#23 Forms
#33 Receipt of Merchandise
#40 Property Inventory Control
#49 Legislative Programs
#60 Outside Employment
#74 Workplace Privacy
After careful review of the proposed Directive changes by UPE Business Agent, Greg Larkins, & Governing Board Member, Lisa Sykes, it was determined that many of the proposed changes were merely “clean-up” language, changing punctuation, grammar, etc. But there were a few edits to the current Operations Directives that HSA wanted to mirror Merced County language, and/or eliminate redundancy.
At the Meet & Confer, Ms. Sykes and Mr. Larkins asked numerous questions related to the proposed changes, and after receiving clarifications to ALL of our inquires/concerns, the UPE representatives in attendance approved the proposed Operations Directive changes.
At the conclusion of the Meet & Confer, UPE inquired as to the County’s notification process, so that our Members at HSA are properly notified, aware of the Directive changes, and have access to reviewing those Operations Directive changes that could impact their duties at HSA.