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E-Court Implementation - Small Claims & Unlawful Detainer at Carol Miller Justice Center


Representatives from Sacramento Court met with UPE on April 3, 2024, to discuss their plan for transitioning to the E-Court case management system and the E-Filing online system in Small Claims and Unlawful Detainer (UD).  The Court has already implemented these systems in Civil and Probate.  The Court plans to transition on June 17, 2024.  

The Court plans to begin May 20, 2024, and continue until just before the ‘go-live.’  UPE expressed deep concern that training be sufficient prior to implementation.  As members in Civil and Probate know, the previous roll-out was rushed and did not provide employees with adequate training to perform their jobs in the new system.  Instead, employees just received an overview of how to navigate the system. 

To this end, the Court is committing to providing members with real hands-on training relating to how to perform their job functions in the new system.  Members need to notify UPE if they do not feel like training is sufficient.  Additionally, the Court warned that some members may be unable to take extended vacations during the training period to ensure sufficient coverage during training.  UPE questioned why this would be necessary and asked that the Court plan their training so that members are still afforded the ability to request time off.  UPE insisted that the Court make every effort to allow the same number of staff off during the training period as they would normally.  In particular, UPE made clear that the Court cannot arbitrarily deny vacations simply because they are requested during the training period.   Members need to notify UPE if they are denied time off during the training period.  UPE will work with the members to ensure the Court’s denial is justified by a true business need.    

UPE would like to thank the Court Office Technical governing board for their advocacy and participation,

Christina Arcuri, Lizette Sweezer-Morris, Alison Saltonstall, Liz Teklinsky, Tammi Boxer, Nancy Wallace, Shawn Boxer, Julie Valdivia, Suzette Cade, Andrea Howard, Paul McGee

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