On April 4, 2024, UPE met with representatives from Sacramento Court to gather more information about how the Training Coordinators are being used by the Court. The positions have existed for about one year, and there are one or two coordinators in every Division. UPE and our members have been unclear about what these new workers are actually doing to add value to the Court. At our meeting, UPE learned the Coordinators are primarily taking over duties handled by supervisors or creating new training that did not exist.
UPE members, DC IVs, Court Clerk Bs, DCs, and Courtroom Clerks are still delivering almost all the actual relevant training in court operations. Each Coordinator reports directly to the Director of Court Operations. As a result, the Coordinators do different things at different locations. In Juvenile, the Coordinator provides a one-week introductory training and overview to new employees. They also observe Court operations with new Courtroom clerks, explain basic procedures, and develop additional staff training.
There are two Coordinators in the Criminal Division. They provide an overview/orientation training, organize observations of Court units, check in with new employees regularly on their training progress and work with existing employees on assessing training needs. At CMJC, the one Coordinator created and runs a two-day orientation training for new employees, works with supervisors to improve existing training, reformats training materials, tracks mandatory training, and ensures employees are up to date. There are two Coordinator positions assigned to Family Law and Probate, and currently, one is vacant. At FRC, Coordinators provide a seven-day introductory training that includes mandated training, tours, observation of court operations, and classes on the role of the Court and Court culture. Finally, in Civil, the Coordinator spends all their time assisting with training related to E-Court and E-Filing. The Coordinators may reach out to staff to inquire about whether they have any training needs or to get feedback on current training processes. These conversations/responses are not required, but the Court encourages them.
While the Training Coordinators are certainly doing things, it remains to be seen what benefit they will provide to the Court and, in particular, employees. UPE will continue to monitor the activities of these new positions. If members have questions or concerns related to the Training Coordinators and their activities, please contact UPE.
UPE thanks the Court Office Technical governing board for their participation and advocacy,

Christina Arcuri, Lizette Sweezer Morris, Alison Saltonstall, Liz Teklinsky, Tammi Boxer, Nancy Wallace, Shawn Boxer, Julie Valdivia, Suzette Cade, Andrea Howard and Paul McGee