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DTECH: Communications Operations Dispatcher Classification Salary


On July 10, 2024, UPE and Sacramento County met regarding the Communications Operations Dispatcher Classification salary.  The County recently completed a change to the class specifications for the Communications Operations Dispatchers.  UPE proposed a 5% increase to the salary for the classification to place them more in line with comparable classifications in surrounding Counties and to help with the recruitment and retention of Comms Ops Dispatchers.  The County did not want to provide members with a salary increase, bizarrely claiming that there was not a recruitment and retention issue for Communications Operations Dispatchers.  UPE pushed back on this, pointing out that the County’s original justification for the classification study was to address a recruitment and retention issue within the classification.

Further, the County has lost new hires who were not prepared for the job.  The best way an employer can encourage people to apply for a job is to increase the pay.  UPE also proposed pay parity between the Communications Operations Dispatchers and Airport Operations Dispatchers because the County’s own materials suggest these are parallel positions.  The County rejected this proposal, citing the increased emergency dispatch duties at the airport.  UPE pointed out that the Communications Operations Dispatchers do handle crucial emergency dispatching for levee breaches, blocked roadways, vicious animals, and emergency storm response, amongst other types of calls.   The Communications Operations Dispatchers provide vital services to the County, and UPE will continue to fight for them during upcoming contract negotiations. 


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