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  • UPE

DHA: CalFresh Expedited Services Mitigation

Your UPE 008 Bargaining Unit met with County management to discuss the County’s plan to address non-compliance of Expedited Services for CalFresh.

The Department intends to merge the Yellow intake phone group with East Commerce’s Blue group to establish one MA/CF phone group.

They will also move four (4) Yellow workers to the Green intake group. UPE proposed that the selection be made by seniority of volunteers, and then any remaining positions not filled with volunteers will be done by reverse seniority. The County agreed with this proposal.

UPE also proposed delaying the implementation of this change until December 1st, post-CalSAWS migration, and they agreed.

The County will also establish four (4) HSS workers from Lime to “screen” CalFresh applications to determine if there is a need for Expedited Services. These screeners will rotate weekly, and all Lime group units will be included.

The County agreed to revisit the need for these changes 90 days from the start date and negotiate if needed.

Thank you to the 008 Governing Board members,

James Starr and Stephanie McCall



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