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DCFAS/CPS: Level of Care Determination

On March 23, 2023, UPE met with the County regarding the above policy and procedure.

This is a new policy that codifies the existing practice. UPE inquired how a LOC is determined and if it can be determined at the Social Worker’s discretion once the Family Resource Tool (FRT) has been received. The County stated no LOC is determined once the FRT and SOC 501 & 500 are received.

We also inquired about static rates and if there is a retroactive payment if the bed is “closed” prior to the Social Worker going out; the County responded no, no retroactive payment is made.

There was confusion on the part of the Social Worker concerning SOC 501; the form cannot be changed due to it being a state-issued form. Whereas before, County Resource Homes were not assessed for LOC, they will be now. On behalf of UPE, the County clarified there is a 120-day time frame in which a County RFA home has to transfer to an FFA home and complete the ISFC training before their LOC rate would revert to the previous rate.

Other questions, to which the County stated they would be covered in training, were regarding the Social Worker providing the IFSC letter and where it can be found, and circumstances in which a County RFA would be eligible for the ISFC LOC rate.

Thank you to the participants,

Erick Booker, Sarah Singleton, Catherine Marshall


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