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DCFAS / CPS: Unable to Locate a Parent and/or a Child in an Emergency Response Investigation

On July 25, 2023, UPE met with the County to discuss the above policy and procedure changes and the impact they may have on our members.

We found several issues with the policy that we requested the department either update, replace, or remove from the policy altogether. The proposed policy has no maximum timeframe that a case can be open; however, in the previous policy, there was a maximum timeframe of thirty (30) days (as long as it was approved by the supervisor to keep it open longer). We requested that the department add that language back into the policy due to there being a report that monitored when referrals have been open for more than thirty (30) days. We also proposed that the Social Worker (SW) only go back twelve (12) months when searching for contact information in CWS/CMS. Another part of the policy wants the Social Worker to contact DHA as well as run the family through MEDS, Cal-WIN, etc. We pointed out that the clerical department usually has already done this and attaches a printout to the referral with this information. We also pointed out that not all SWs possess access to these databases. We also made the department aware that there is no need to contact DHA once clerical runs the family through CalWIN as that will give information about CalWORKs, General Assistance, Medi-Cal, etc. UPE took issue with the need for the SW to staff the referral with not only their supervisor but their Program Manager (PM) in addition. We asked that once the SW staffs with the supervisor, the supervisor can then staff with the PM; this way, the SW can actually do some social work. Lastly, we brought to the department's attention that it has been the experience that SCOE will only provide school information if the youth is in Foster Care; if this is the case, then why contact them?

The department said they heard us and will take all proposed changes back to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), and we will reconvene at a later date.

Thank you for your advocacy

Shelly Bald, Eric Booker, Deanna Green, Robert Shorter, and Sarah Singleton




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