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Benefit Improvements for Court Employees


Today, September 16, 2022, both the Court Office Technical and Court Professional Boards met with Court management to discuss benefit increases for Court employees.

Those who don’t take the Court’s health benefits receive a $250 stipend. UPE agreed to increase that amount to $500, which will greatly help offset other costs.

In addition, the Court will introduce a “Voluntary Accident Insurance” benefit that will give cash payouts for injuries/illnesses that are not considered “pre-existing.”

UPE continues to work with the Court to ensure that benefits improvement continues for our hard-working members. Information on these improvements should roll out the first week of October; open enrollment will start soon after. This information will be sent to each Court employee via email and will be available in the benefits office as well.

UPE would like to thank the members of the Court Office Technical and Professional Boards for being in attendance and helping ask the tough questions.

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