Currently, there are two vacancies on your six person UPE Unit 3 governing board. If you have the heart and passion to be part of making your working conditions better, to help improve your wages and benefits, and to help your fellow union sisters and brothers in advocating for your rights then you qualify to be on your UPE Unit 3 governing board.
Your negotiations team is comprised of three UPE Unit 3 governing Board Directors teamed with UPE Business Agents. With contract negotiations beginning in March, your union is calling upon their membership to fill these vacancies.
Become the voice of the working class and join the fight for a livable wage, affordable health care, and better working conditions!
Email your business agent, Natalya Kalinovskiy, at to become an active part of the labor movement and/or just to learn more about what it means to be a board member or union advocate.
Board meetings are at noon every second Tuesday of the month via Microsoft TEAMS.