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Court Professional: Bargaining Update


Your UPE Court Professional Bargaining Team continued contract negotiations with Sacramento Superior Court on July 16, 2024.  The Court gave UPE a budget presentation that included a smaller allocation from the state due to the ongoing state budget issues.  The Court made clear they do not anticipate layoffs but would not explain how they planned to handle current or future vacancies.  Once again, the Court claimed they needed more time to get further clarity on their budget.  At the same time, the Court’s numbers do show some funds will be available for the next fiscal year. 

This meeting represented the deadline for both sides to present new proposals during bargaining. UPE provided the Court with one final proposal and received one final proposal from the Court. UPE hopes that bargaining will move forward as the Contract is set to expire at the end of August. UPE is prepared to engage in the work necessary to reach an agreement on a fair contract for our members. The parties will meet again on August 2, 2024, to continue negotiations.   



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