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DHA: Desk Cameras


On March 2, 2023, UPE and DHA met to continue discussing the installed web cameras.

The Department of Technology (DTech) provided UPE with a demo and answered our questions. UPE once again voiced our concerns regarding the Department’s ability to record audio without our member’s knowledge. DTech advised that a notification will be displayed if audio is recording while in a specific program such as Skype. They also explained how audio settings can be adjusted to ensure the microphone is not in use.

DHA management explained they have no intent on listening in or recording our members without their knowledge. The need to use webcams is still necessary due to the ability to telework.

While UPE wants to take DHA for its word, skepticism remains. Nevertheless, we have written and verbal confirmation of such.

UPE reminded the Department if anything changes, as it relates to the webcams, they must notify UPE prior to implementation.

Thank you to the participants,

James Starr, Chris Jenkins, Jennifer Avalo and Monica Stephens for their advocacy.


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